Web Automation & Scraping, Without Coding and Just Few Clicks

Build powerful automations for any website with Automatio. Use our intuitive visual bot builder or select from a wide range of pre-made templates.

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seven good reasons to use Automatio


No-code (visual) interface to build a bot/scraper

Automatio is made for non-technical people. Which means, creating a bot/scraper will require writing zero lines of code.

Simple, click and point interface will give you great user experience while you are creating your automated workflows.


No need to hire another developer

Finding a right developer for your next scraping project or bot is hard. It’s time consuming and often can result in a failed project.

Instead, you can take the work in your hands and build the tool you need to achieve your business goals.


Save a lot of money on development cost

Building a custom bot or scraper is expensive and hiring the right developer can be a painful process. It can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Yet, even if  you develop it, someone will still need to maintain it, which will result in even more money spent.

#cutcost #savemoney

Make a bot in minutes, not in days or weeks

While developers will need days or  weeks to build a bot, you will have it done before they set up their coding environment. Literally, you can build a complex bot/scraper in just a few minutes.

You don’t believe it? Try it out!


Runs in the cloud, no server config or deployments

The Bots you build with Automatio will work in the cloud without need for complex server configuration and deployments.

Build, run and forget. Simple as that!


Deal with complex scenarios where other tools can't

The arsenal of tools which Automatio possess, gives you ability to deal with complicated scenarios while other tools would require custom work or just fail.

That is why Automatio is unique and and for sure most powerful web automation tool on the market.


Automatio can do at least x1000 time more than you

It’s a fact, robots are faster, exact, tireless, scalable and more efficient than humans. Why would you spend your precious time on repetitive, nonsense boring work when Automatio can do it for you.

Imagine Yourself x1000 or even x1Milion. That's how powerful Automatio is!

#cutcost #savemoney

Chrome Extension

Automatio chrome extension is all you need to start building your first bot/scraper. Here are few reasons why you should use it.

  • Easy install in few clicks. Just navigate to Chrome Store, click install, login and that is it.
  • No-code & visual, which mean no need to write a single line of code to build a bot.
  • Well-designed UI will give you first class user experience while using it.

Manage your bot Instances with a Dashboard

Since Automatio runs in the cloud, you can access and manage your bot / scraper
instances within a dashboard.  Below we listed just a some of main features like:

  • Data panel which gives you access to data you extracted from the web pages. Data is available in various formats like CSV, JSON, RSS, API
  • Status & Metrics blocks gives you ability see if the instance is running, how much credits spent, number of data collected
  • Edit Instance let you to go back and edit the bot flow, without need to recreate anything from scratch
  • Logs are a great way to know what is Automatio doing at every moment. It’s a handy feature that can help you to debug your bot.
  • Screenshots is powerful feature that gives you ability to see exactly what Automatio (your bot) see while he is running and automating web pages.
  • A lot of other features and options which help you create, run and manage your instances, bots, or scrapers like you never been able before.


We don’t wanna brag much about features, but here is a shortlist with their names just to give you sense of what Automatio have. To learn more about each feature, check the videos or sign-up for early access.

  • Extract action
  • Keystroke
  • Dialog/Promt
  • Wait
  • Go forward
  • CSV
  • Click action
  • Screenshots
  • ReCaptcha
  • Hover
  • Block ads
  • JSON
  • Input action
  • Cookies
  • Login
  • Refresh
  • Clone instance
  • RSS
  • Paginate action
  • Proxies
  • Source code
  • Go back
  • Edit instance
  • API

Video Tutorials

Here you can find few basic video tutorials on how to use Automatio

Input Action - Work With Forms, Searches, Input Fields

Automatio can input data and fill the forms, search boxes, input fields, and other web elements. All of that is possible using Input Action.

Watch this video to learn how to use it.

Paginate Action - How and where to use it

If you want to deal with pagination on the website, which means that you want to do a certain action or extract data from multiple pages, Paginate Action is coming to play.

This video will show you how you can use it.

Authorize Chrome Extension with a Automatio Dashboard

The "Click Action" feature in Automatio is a powerful tool for interacting with web elements such as buttons, links, or any clickable elements on a webpage.

It offers different types of clicks to suit various scenarios.

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