많은 경우에 Lemin CAPTCHA은 접근성을 방해하고, 사용자를 좌절시키고, 공개 정보에 대한 접근을 제한하고, 애플리케이션 및 사이트 테스트를 어렵게 만듭니다. 자동 우회를 위해서는 Lemin CAPTCHA 솔버를 사용하세요.
Lemin CAPTCHA 데모
이 페이지에서는 Lemin CAPTCHA이 표시되는 방식과 Lemin CAPTCHA 확인이 작동하는 방식을 설명합니다.
How to solve Lemin CAPTCHA
Open the developer console in your browser and search for a
tag that loads a script fronapi.leminnow.com
<script src="https://api.leminnow.com/captcha/v1/cropped/CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b/js"></script>
Extract the
value from the scriptsrc
property. Find the id of div element used by Lemin. The default one islemin-cropped-captcha
, but the value can be changed by the website owner. Send the captcha to our API.With SDK (recommended):
$result = $solver->lemin([ 'captchaId' => 'CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b', 'apiServer' => 'api.leminnow.com', 'url' => 'https://2captcha.com/demo/lemin', ]);
result = solver.lemin(captcha_id='CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b', div_id='lemin-cropped-captcha', url='https://2captcha.com/demo/lemin')
# https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-ruby require 'api_2captcha' client = Api2Captcha.new("YOUR_API_KEY") result = client.lemin({ captcha_id: 'CROPPED_1abcd2f_a1234b567c890d12ef3a456bc78d901d', div_id: 'lemin-cropped-captcha', pageurl: 'https://www.site.com/page/', api_server: "https://api.leminnow.com/" })
Make a POST request to our API endpoing
:{ "key": "YOUR_API_KEY", "method": "lemin", "captcha_id": "CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b", "api_server": "api.leminnow.com", "div_id": "lemin-cropped-captcha", "pageurl": "https://2captcha.com/demo/lemin", "json": 1 }
In the response you will receive the id of your captcha
{ "status": 1, "request": "2122988149" }
Wait 15-20 seconds and make a GET request to our API endpoint:
. If the captcha is already solved you will receive the answer:{ "status":1, "request": { "answer":"0xaxcgx0xkxbsx0xuxb8x0xuxaux0xuxaax0xux9mx0x18x9cx0x18x92x0x18x8ox0x18x8ex0x18x7qx0x18x7gx0x18x76x0x18x6sx0x18x6ix0x18x68x0xux68x_?_gAAAAABkAHJ-DXKWoMr34j7Y-K5vt6rqQIMCcG0V4KdtDhYghZGq9Uhg0SJoUX_u2414Qeq_-dEet4IGxMbZE2F_agSXTF-8w9Iy07J84I5NcQ6iPbQgPz2R74S7fWws3rn3X5AdmOYb", "challenge_id":"578c0b7b-248f-480e-a3b0-fbe2cbfdcb8b" } }
If the captcha is not solved yet, you will receive
code in the response. Just repeat the request every 5 seconds until you receive the captcha answer.If something went wrong server will return an error code.
Once you have the captcha answer, fill the hidden inputs
with the corresponding values:
document.querySelector('input[name=lemin_answer]').value = "0xaxcgx0xkxbsx0xuxb8x0xuxaux0xuxaax0xux9mx0x18x9cx0x18x92x0x18x8ox0x18x8ex0x18x7qx0x18x7gx0x18x76x0x18x6sx0x18x6ix0x18x68x0xux68x_?_gAAAAABkAHJ-DXKWoMr34j7Y-K5vt6rqQIMCcG0V4KdtDhYghZGq9Uhg0SJoUX_u2414Qeq_-dEet4IGxMbZE2F_agSXTF-8w9Iy07J84I5NcQ6iPbQgPz2R74S7fWws3rn3X5AdmOYb"
document.querySelector('input[name=lemin_challenge_id]').value = "578c0b7b-248f-480e-a3b0-fbe2cbfdcb8b"
Now click "Check" button.