Captcha-Eingabe-Job. Online-Verdienst durch das Lösen von Captchas

Das Ausfüllen von Captchas ist ein legitimer, einfacher Tippjob und ein garantierter Weg zu einem zusätzlichen Einkommen im Internet.

Kostenlose Registrierung. Um mit der Arbeit am Dienst zu beginnen, müssen Sie sich nur anmelden, auf Arbeit beginnen klicken und dann wird das System Sie durch Trainingsaufgaben führen, um zu zeigen, was zu tun ist.

Anschließend werden Sie beginnen, durch das Lösen von Captchas online Geld zu verdienen.

Beginnen Sie mit dem Geldverdienen, ohne zu investieren.

Mit dem Verdienen beginnen
Workflow zur Umgehung des CAPTCHA
  • Geld verdienen durch Captcha-Tipparbeit auf Mobilgeräten
  • Captcha ausfüllen und Geld verdienen ohne Investition
  • Online-Captcha-Arbeit mit Sofortzahlungen
  • Captcha-Eingabe-Jobs ermöglichen einfaches Online-Verdienen von zu Hause

Wie man mit dem Lösen von Captchas Geld verdienen kann

  • Registrieren Sie sich auf der besten Online-Captcha-Eingabeseite 2Captcha
  • E-Mail bestätigen
  • Captcha lösen und Geld verdienen
  • Bezahlt werden
Nutzer für die Arbeit mit 2Captcha schulen

Einfaches Geld verdienen ohne Investitionen

  • 0,50 $ für 1-2 Stunden, je nach Auslastung
  • Minimale Auszahlung ab 0,50 $
  • Keine Auszahlungsgebühren. Erhalten Sie den vollen verdienten Betrag.
Einnahmen und Auszahlungen für Arbeitnehmer

Viele Möglichkeiten zur Auszahlung von Geldern

  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «WebMoney»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «Perfect Money»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «Advcash»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «Payeer»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «Airtm»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «USDT»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «Bitcoin»
  • Wir unterstützen Auszahlungen mit «Bitcoin Cash»


  • Wie man ein Captcha-Löser wird und Geld verdient

    Wie man ein Captcha-Löser wird und Geld verdient

    Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist ein Computer oder ein Smartphone mit Internetzugang. Und natürlich müssen Sie unser einfaches, kostenloses Training absolvieren.

  • Wie funktioniert die Captcha-Eingabe?

    Wie funktioniert die Captcha-Eingabe?

    Die Arbeit auf 2Captcha ist ganz einfach — melden Sie sich an, aktivieren Sie Ihr kostenloses Konto und klicken Sie einfach auf "Arbeit beginnen", dann zeigt Ihnen das System Bilder mit Text an und Sie sollten diesen Text in das vorgegebene Formular eingeben.

  • Wer braucht das und warum zahlen wir für das Lösen von Captchas?

    Wer braucht das und warum zahlen wir für das Lösen von Captchas?

    Wir haben Kunden, die uns Captchas zur Erkennung schicken. Das Lösen dieser Captchas spart ihnen Zeit und sie zahlen dafür.

  • Arbeitsbegriffe


    Um mit dem Captcha-Eingabeservice zu arbeiten, benötigen Sie nur einen Computer, eine Tastatur und eine Internetverbindung. Mobil unterstützt. Sie verdienen Geld für jedes richtig eingegebene Captcha. Sie können so viel oder so wenig arbeiten, wie Sie wollen, zu jeder Zeit und nach Ihrem Belieben. Unser Service läuft online, daher haben wir eine Menge Arbeit für Sie. Sie können von zu Hause aus arbeiten. Einfach.

  • 2Captcha Bewertung

    2Captcha Bewertung

    2Captcha rangiert hoch auf Bewertungsseiten wie z. B. Suchen Sie in Google " Bewertungen" und Sie werden viele Bewertungen und Leitfäden über die Arbeit mit finden.

  • Automatisch verdienen

    Verdienen Sie automatisch Geld durch passive Auto-Tipper. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist, die neueste Version von CaptchaBotRS zu holen. Ausführen und entsprechend konfigurieren unter Angabe des API-Schlüssels für die Autorisierung.

  • Captcha Affiliate. Wie verdient man mehr?

    Sie können zusätzliches Geld verdienen, wenn Sie Nutzer zu unserem Dienst einladen:

    • Gehen Sie zu Affiliate-Programm und nehmen Sie Ihren Referral-Link, der wie folgt aussieht:, wobei XXX Ihre ID in unserem System ist.
    • Teilen Sie den Link mit Ihren Freunden
    • Verdienen Sie 10 % der Einnahmen und Ausgaben Ihrer Partner.

Wie funktioniert die Captcha-Eingabe

  • Die Idee ist, dass es zahlreiche Arten von Bildern gibt, die nicht automatisch erkannt werden können, und es gibt Kunden, die bereit sind, für die Eingabe dieser Bilder zu bezahlen. 2Captcha hat einen Service geschaffen, der sowohl für Kunden als auch für Arbeitnehmer geeignet ist. Wir sammeln Bilder vom Kunden und senden sie an den Mitarbeiter in einer einfachen Schnittstelle, in der Sie den Text entsprechend den gezeigten Bildern korrekt ausfüllen müssen. Sie können sicher sein, dass Sie nicht betrogen werden. ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt für das Lernen, wie man Geld verdienen und erstellen online verdienen.
  • Für jedes richtig eingegebene Captcha erhalten Sie Geld. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist ein Computer oder ein Smartphone mit Internetanschluss. Und natürlich müssen Sie eine einfache kostenlose Schulung absolvieren. Um mit der Arbeit am Service zu beginnen, müssen Sie nur ein Konto registrieren, auf Arbeit beginnen klicken und dann wird das System Sie durch die Trainingsaufgaben führen, um Ihnen zu zeigen, was zu tun ist. Beginnen Sie, Geld zu verdienen, indem Sie Captchas lösen!

Worker FAQ

Is real or fake?
2Captcha is a legitimate way to earn money online. The platform pays users to solve CAPTCHA tasks, which are used by websites to differentiate between humans and bots. While the earnings might not be very high, it is a real and straightforward method to make some extra money, especially for those looking for simple tasks that require no special skills. Many users have successfully withdrawn their earnings, confirming that 2Captcha is a real and working platform. Many users have successfully withdrawn their earnings and made money by solving CAPTCHAs on the platform. It’s a legitimate service that provides real payouts for the work done.
How to start?
To start your online job on 2Captcha you need a computer with keyboard or a smartphone. Register an account on our website, then hit “Start work” at the top. You will pass a short training that will guide you on captcha solving process and when training is complete you will start to earn money solving captchas.
Why do you pay for solving captchas?
There are people who need to solve many captchas to complete different tasks. They can pay some small amounts for solving captchas because it helps them to save their time. And there are people who can earn some funds online for solving captchas (Workers). Our service is made to connect customers and workers. We get captchas from customers and distribute them to workers.
How much can I earn?
Our rates are flexible and depend on total amount of captchas submitted by customers, total number of workers online and complexity of captchas. Rate for normal captchas is between 0,14 $ - 0,6 $ per 1000. Rate for ReCaptcha V2 that can be solved when you use our software ( is fixed to 1 $ per 1000. Rate for each captcha is shown on your screen near the captcha.
Where can I see my earnings/balance?
Your balance is indicated on the dashboard ( Please note that balance is rounded to two decimals so you will see it starting from 0,01 $.
What is Reputation?
Reputation shown how many captchas you solved totally. You get 1 reputation point for every 1000 captchas you solve. Reputation doesn’t affect the rate, complexity or speed of captcha. You can't withdraw your reputation - it’s not funds, it’s just a number of captchas solved.
How can I earn more?
You can use your referral link to invite your friends to our service and you will get 10% of their earnings. More info on our referral program you can find in referral section of FAQ.
How to solve captchas?
Our training shows how to solve different type of captchas. Usually you have to type the text from the image, click on squares with some objects or type numbers of such squares. You always can pass the training again - just click here ( and hit "Start over" button.
How to pass the training?

To pass the training you need to solve all training tasks correctly. First part of training is made to show you how to solve captchas. Tasks contain hints and instructions and even correct answers are shown to you. Second part of training is made to check what have you learned - it's an exam that you should pass by yourself.

Training tasks are very easy and if you will be careful then you will pass it quickly. You should read and understand hints and instructions shown on the screen.

I can't solve a training task! It shows that my answer is incorrect!
All training tasks are verified by our staff and accept only correct answers. So if training system shows that your answer is incorrect then it's really incorrect. Check your answer again and read instructions and hints carefully.
What should I do if I can't solve a captcha?
If you can't read the captcha you should click "It's not a captcha" button or use "Alt + Q" hotkey. But remember that if you will use that button to skip readable captcha system will temporary suspend your account.
My account is in sleeping mode. What should I do?
System puts you into sleeping mode if you don't solve captchas. To continue you should just click on "Start" button. If you want to take a rest press "Stop" button.
My account is suspended. What does it mean?

If you make too many mistakes system will temporary suspend your account. Then moderator will check your answers and make a decision.

If you made mistakes obliviously then moderator will ban your account forever and you will be unable to continue your work or make a payout request.

If your mistakes were unintentional then moderator will unsuspend your account or forward you to training and you will be able to continue to work on our website.

Moderation takes up to 2 working days and you should wait until your account will be checked.

How many mistakes can I make before I get banned?
There's no exact number of mistakes allowed. There's a complex algorithm that analyses complexity of the captcha, time you work, your previous mistakes and even Moon's current phase! Just always try to provide correct answers. And don't do mistakes obliviously and you will not be banned.
Captchas are loading too slow. How to speed it up?

Every time one of our customers sends a captcha to our server it’s immediately distributed to one of you. If captcha is not loading that means only that there’s more workers available than captchas sent by customers. And you just have to wait a little bit.

Usually we have more captchas on weekdays starting from 3PM GMT because many of our customers are in the US and they start their work on this time. We can’t speed it up, it’s not a speed issue, it happens because we don’t have a captcha for you at the moment.

Where can I find my mistakes?
You can find captchas solved during past 2 hours in Mistakes ( section. It's not possible to see older mistakes.
Why my correct answer is shown in mistakes?
In very rare cases system can mark correct answer as incorrect. We know that it happens and we can't do anything about that. There's no need to inform us about such cases. Don't worry you will not be banned for that!
Can I resolve a mistake?
No, it's not possible to resolve a mistake you made. Just be careful and try to provide correct answers.
Captchas are not loading and I see SandBox on the screen.
Somehow you entered SandBox mode. Just click here ( and switch SandBox to OFF.
How can I withdraw my earnings?

To withdraw your funds you should make a PayOut request. You can request PayOut to one of supported wallets:

Wallet Minimal withdrawal Fee
«Airtm» logo Airtm ( 1 $ 0%
«Bitcoin» logo Bitcoin ( 10 $ 0%
«Bitcoin Cash» logo Bitcoin Cash ( 0,25 $ 0%
«Payeer» logo Payeer ( 0,5 $ 0%
«PerfectMoney» logo PerfectMoney ( 0,5 $ 0%
«WebMoney» logo WebMoney ( 0,5 $ 0%
«Tether» logo USDT ( 30 $ 0%

Other methods like PayPal, BankTransfer, WesternUnion are NOT supported.

If you don't have any of supported wallets you should register one. And we don't know which method is the best for your country - you have to find that by yourself.

What is the minimal withdrawal amount? Why can't I withdraw less?

Minimal withdrawal amount shows how much you should have on your balance to withdraw funds to selected wallet.

Each payment system has own minimal value that can be sent through their system. That's why you can't withdraw less.

How long does it take to withdraw my earnings?
Usually payout requests are procesed within 3-5 business days (Mon-Fri). Sometimes payments can pass through almost immediately and sometimes they can get stuck in Pending status for a week. Please wait at least 5 business days before contacting us about your payout.
Why my payout request is still pending?
That means that your request is still waiting while payment system will process it. Sometimes it takes just few minutes but sometimes it takes few days. Please be patient and wait while it will be processed. There's no need to contact us if your payment is in Pending status less than 5 business days.
Can I withdraw funds to PayPal / WesternUnion / Bank account / cash ?
We can send the payment only to one of supported wallets ( Then you can use the wallet to pay for your needs or transfer funds to your bank account or get cash. To learn how to do that refer to wallet's documentation or contact the support of your wallet.
How can I change my purse / payout method?
To change your wallet go to PayOut page ( click "Edit" then enter new purse number and click "Change" button. You will receive an email with confirmation link. Click on the link to confirm wallet change.
I've entered incorrect wallet. Are my funds lost?
Yes, unfortunately you funds are lost because it's impossible to get them back from the wallet you entered in your request. Please always make sure that you enter valid purse/wallet number in your payout request.
Can I withdraw funds if my account is suspended?
If your account is suspended forever by moderator then you will be unable to withdraw your earnings.
Can I withdraw my Reputation?
No. Reputation just indicates how many captchas you solved, that's not money. You can only withdraw your earnings from your balance.
Which payout methods are available / the best in my country?
We dont' know that. You should check by yourself which method is more convenient for you.
How much it is in my local currency?
We don't know. You should check by yourself. The easiest way is to search in Google something like: 1 USD to 1 INR or 1 USD to 1 PHP Just write your local currency instead of INR or PHP.
How do I payout to or coinbase?
It is possible to payout your earnings to and Coinbase. To do so you should choose Bitcoin as a payout method and put in your or Coinbase BTC wallet ID. Please note that minimal withdrawal requirement for this method is 1 $.
I have paid a registration fee, now I want it back.
We don't have any registration fee. If you've been asked to pay for the registration of 2Captcha account you are the victim of fraud. You should act accordingly and contact local officials as we have no relations with the persons or companies charging you a fee to register a working account on
How do I change my password?
You can change your password in your profile settings (
How do I change my email?

You can change your email in your profile settings ( To change your email address you should have access to your current email. You will receive message with confirmation link on your current email. That is made for your safety.

We can't change your email manually. If you can't access your current email you should contact your email provider to restore access.

I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
To reset your password use Password Recovery ( option on login page. You will receive message with confirmation link on your email. Follow the link to complete password recovery process.
How do I delete my account?
You can delete your account using this link (
Why do I need the software?
Software allows you to solve reCAPTCHA and earn 1 $ per 1000 solved captchas. It's not possible to solve reCAPTCHA if you are working on the website.
Where can I get the software?
You can find the latest software for Windows and Android and learn how to configure it on this page (
Do you have software for Linux, MacOS, iOS?
No, we don't have software for these platforms. Most of our users are using Windows and Android so we are not planning to develop software for other platforms.
Error: "Your computer or network may be sending automated queries".

That happens when you solve many reCAPTCHAs. Google detects that and doesn't show new reCAPTCHA to you.

Google don't like that people are solving reCAPTCHA and earn money for that. Sometimes they show you that error message or even ban your IP.

You got to wait until your IP will be unbanned. You can also try using a different internet connection if possible.

Unfortunately we can't help you with that issue so there's no need to contact us on that matter.

Why my IP is banned by Google?

Google don't like that people are solving reCAPTCHA and earn money for that. That's why they make their captchas more and more complex and even ban IP of workers who solve captchas.

You got to wait until your IP will be unbanned. You can also try using a different internet connection if possible.

Unfortunately we can't help you with that issue so there's no need to contact us on that matter.

Can I work from a smartphone?
Yes. You can use the application for Android that can be found here ( Or just use the cabinet ( that works fine on mobile.
What is Referral Program?

Referral program allows you to invite your friends to work on 2Captcha and get some additional income: referral commission is 10% of their earnings.

Referral commission is added to your balance automatically at the end of each day when your referrals earn money. Then you can withdraw it as your earnings for solving captchas.

How can I invite referrals?

Find your referral link on the dashboard (, copy the link and send to your friend using email, your favorite messenger or post it somewhere in your blog or on the forum.

People who used your link for registration on 2Captcha will be your referrals.

My friend registered. But I still have 0 referrals?

That can happen in two cases:

  • your friend didn't used your link or copied it incorrectly (lost some characters from the link)
  • your friend was already registered on the website

It's not possible that your friend used the link correctly but not added to referrals - this system was tested and verified many times and works perfectly.

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