Dans de nombreux cas, Text Captcha entrave l'accessibilité, frustre les utilisateurs, limite l'accès aux informations ouvertes, rend difficile le test des applications et des sites. Utilisez le solveur Text Captcha pour un contournement automatique.
Démonstration de Text Captcha
Cette page explique comment Text Captcha s'affiche et comment fonctionne la vérification de Text Captcha . Text Captcha est un type de captcha qui est représenté sous forme de texte et ne contient pas d'images. En général, vous devez répondre à une question pour passer la vérification.
How to solve Text Captcha
Find captcha question.
Send question to our API.
With SDK (recommended):
// https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-php require(__DIR__ . '/../src/autoloader.php'); $solver = new \TwoCaptcha\TwoCaptcha('YOUR_API_KEY'); try { $result = $solver->text([ 'text' => 'If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?', 'lang' => 'en', ]); } catch (\Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } die('Captcha solved: ' . $result->code);
# https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-python import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))) from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha api_key = os.getenv('APIKEY_2CAPTCHA', 'YOUR_API_KEY') solver = TwoCaptcha(api_key, defaultTimeout=40, pollingInterval=10) try: result = solver.text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?', lang='en') except Exception as e: sys.exit(e) else: sys.exit('solved: ' + str(result))
// https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-java package examples; import com.twocaptcha.TwoCaptcha; import com.twocaptcha.captcha.Text; public class TextExample { public static void main(String[] args) { TwoCaptcha solver = new TwoCaptcha("YOUR_API_KEY"); Text captcha = new Text(); captcha.setText("If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?"); captcha.setLang("en"); try { solver.solve(captcha); System.out.println("Captcha solved: " + captcha.getCode()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error occurred: " + e.getMessage()); } } }
// https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-csharp using System; using System.Linq; using TwoCaptcha.Captcha; namespace TwoCaptcha.Examples { public class TextExample { public void Main() { TwoCaptcha solver = new TwoCaptcha("YOUR_API_KEY"); Text captcha = new Text(); captcha.SetText("If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?"); captcha.SetLang("en"); try { solver.Solve(captcha).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Captcha solved: " + captcha.Code); } catch (AggregateException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e.InnerExceptions.First().Message); } } } }
// https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-go package main import ( "fmt" "log" "github.com/2captcha/2captcha-go" ) func main() { client := api2captcha.NewClient("API_KEY") captcha := api2captcha.Text{ Text: "If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?", Lang: "en", } code, err := client.Solve(captcha.ToRequest()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err); } fmt.Println("code "+code) }
// https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-cpp #include <cstdio> #include "curl_http.hpp" #include "api2captcha.hpp" int main (int ac, char ** av) { if (ac < 2) { printf ("Usage: ./text \"Your question\"\n"); return 0; } api2captcha::curl_http_t http; http.set_verbose (true); api2captcha::client_t client; client.set_http_client (&http); client.set_api_key (API_KEY); assert (ac > 1); api2captcha::text_t cap (av[1]); try { client.solve (cap); printf ("code '%s'\n", cap.code ().c_str ()); } catch (std::exception & e) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed: %s\n", e.what ()); } return 0; }
# https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-ruby require 'api_2captcha' client = Api2Captcha.new("YOUR_API_KEY") result = client.text({ textcaptcha:'If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?', lang: "en" })
Multipart sample form:
<form method="post" action="https://2captcha.com/in.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="UTF-8"> Your key: <input type="text" name="key" value="YOUR_APIKEY"> <input type="text" name="textcaptcha" value="If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?"> <input type="submit" value="Send and get the ID"> </form>
If everything is fine server will return the ID of your captcha:
Otherwise server will return an error code.After 5 seconds send GET request to get the result:
GET https://2captcha.com/res.php?key=YOUR_API_KEY&action=get&id=2122988149
If captcha is already solved server will respond with the answer token:
If captcha is not solved yet server will returnCAPCHA_NOT_READY
result. Repeat your request in 5 seconds. If something went wrong server will return an error code.
Paste received code into the field. Then, submit the form.