Demo del MTCaptcha

Questa pagina spiega come viene visualizzato MTCaptcha e come funziona la verifica di MTCaptcha. MTCaptcha is a smart captcha service that is GDPR and WCAG compliant, providing the confidence of privacy and accessibility.

Logo di "MTCaptcha"

In molti casi MTCaptcha ostacola l'accessibilità, frustra gli utenti, limita l'accesso alle informazioni aperte, rende difficile il test di applicazioni e siti. Utilizzate il risolutore di MTCaptcha per aggirarlo automaticamente.

How to solve MTCaptcha

  1. Find the websiteKey parameter: call window.mtcaptchaConfig.sitekey or window.mtcaptcha.getConfiguration().sitekey in your browser console.

  2. Send websiteKey and websiteURL to our API.


    Request examples:

    Method: createTask
    API endpoint:


        "clientKey": "{{clientKey}}",
        "task": {
            "type": "MtCaptchaTaskProxyless",
            "websiteURL": "",
            "websiteKey": "MTPublic-KzqLY1cKH"


        "clientKey": "{{clientKey}}",
        "task": {
            "type": "MtCaptchaTask",
            "websiteURL": "",
            "websiteKey": "MTPublic-KzqLY1cKH",

    Response example

        "errorId": 0,
        "status": "ready",
        "solution": {
            "token": "v1(00cc43a5,1adfe4b4,MTPublic-DemoKey9M,0080ab49...IJexMsishqlg**)"
        "cost": "0.00299",
        "ip": "",
        "createTime": 1695129688,
        "endTime": 1695129702,
        "solveCount": 1
  3. In developer's console, find input with name="mtcaptcha-verifiedtoken", and put there received token. Then, click the Check button.