bản trình diễn Lemin Captcha

Trang này giải thích cách hiển thị Lemin Captcha và cách hoạt động của quá trình xác minh Lemin Captcha.

Logo của «Lemin Captcha»

Trong nhiều trường hợp, Lemin Captcha cản trở khả năng truy cập, làm người dùng thất vọng, hạn chế quyền truy cập vào thông tin mở, gây khó khăn cho việc thử nghiệm ứng dụng và trang web. Sử dụng bộ giải Lemin Captcha để tự động bỏ qua.

How to solve Lemin CAPTCHA

  1. Open the developer console in your browser and search for a <script> tag that loads a script fron api.leminnow.com

    <script src="https://api.leminnow.com/captcha/v1/cropped/CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b/js"></script>
  2. Extract the captcha_id value from the script src property. Find the id of div element used by Lemin. The default one is lemin-cropped-captcha, but the value can be changed by the website owner. Send the captcha to our API.


    $result = $solver->lemin([
        'captchaId' => 'CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b',
        'apiServer' => 'api.leminnow.com',
        'url'       => 'https://2captcha.com/demo/lemin',


    result = solver.lemin(captcha_id='CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b',


    # https://github.com/2captcha/2captcha-ruby
    require 'api_2captcha'
    client =  Api2Captcha.new("YOUR_API_KEY")
    result = client.lemin({
      captcha_id: 'CROPPED_1abcd2f_a1234b567c890d12ef3a456bc78d901d',
      div_id: 'lemin-cropped-captcha',
      pageurl: 'https://www.site.com/page/',
      api_server: "https://api.leminnow.com/"


    1. Make a POST request to our API endpoing https://2captcha.com/in.php:

        "key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "method": "lemin",
        "captcha_id": "CROPPED_3dfdd5c_d1872b526b794d83ba3b365eb15a200b",
        "api_server": "api.leminnow.com",
        "div_id": "lemin-cropped-captcha",
        "pageurl": "https://2captcha.com/demo/lemin",
        "json": 1
    2. In the response you will receive the id of your captcha

        "status": 1,
        "request": "2122988149"
    3. Wait 15-20 seconds and make a GET request to our API endpoint: https://2captcha.com/res.php. If the captcha is already solved you will receive the answer:

        "request": {

      If the captcha is not solved yet, you will receive CAPCHA_NOT_READY code in the response. Just repeat the request every 5 seconds until you receive the captcha answer.

      If something went wrong server will return an error code.

  3. Once you have the captcha answer, fill the hidden inputs lemin_answer and lemin_challenge_id with the corresponding values:

document.querySelector('input[name=lemin_answer]').value = "0xaxcgx0xkxbsx0xuxb8x0xuxaux0xuxaax0xux9mx0x18x9cx0x18x92x0x18x8ox0x18x8ex0x18x7qx0x18x7gx0x18x76x0x18x6sx0x18x6ix0x18x68x0xux68x_?_gAAAAABkAHJ-DXKWoMr34j7Y-K5vt6rqQIMCcG0V4KdtDhYghZGq9Uhg0SJoUX_u2414Qeq_-dEet4IGxMbZE2F_agSXTF-8w9Iy07J84I5NcQ6iPbQgPz2R74S7fWws3rn3X5AdmOYb"
document.querySelector('input[name=lemin_challenge_id]').value = "578c0b7b-248f-480e-a3b0-fbe2cbfdcb8b"

Now click "Check" button.