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Bypass captcha using Go

Bypass captcha using Go
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Solve captcha with Go lang module online.

Golang package for easy integration with the API of 2Captcha captcha solving service to bypass reCAPTCHA, Arkose captcha, Geetest and solve any other captchas

Quick start


The script package can be installed using the package installer or manually


To install the api client, use this:

go get -u github.com/2captcha/2captcha-go

We invite you to explore our GitHub repository where you can find libraries and modules for easy integration with our API.


Description of all the necessary parameters to configure the installed package

Client instance can be created like this:

client := api2captcha.NewClient('YOUR_API_KEY')

You also have the ability to customize some of the options for the created instance:

client.SoftId = 123
client.Callback = "https://your.site/result-receiver"
client.DefaultTimeout = 120
client.RecaptchaTimeout = 600
client.PollingInterval = 100
Client instance options
OptionDefault valueDescription
softId-your software ID obtained after publishing in 2Captcha software catalog
callback-URL of your web-sever that receives the captcha recognition result. The URL should be first registered in pingback settings of your account
defaultTimeout120Polling timeout in seconds for all captcha types except reCAPTCHA. Defines how long the module tries to get the answer from res.php API endpoint
recaptchaTimeout600Polling timeout for reCAPTCHA in seconds. Defines how long the module tries to get the answer from res.php API endpoint
pollingInterval10Interval in seconds between requests to res.php API endpoint, setting values less than 5 seconds is not recommended
IMPORTANT: once callback is defined for Client instance, all methods return only the captcha ID and DO NOT poll the API to get the result. The result will be sent to the callback URL. To get the answer manually use getResult method

Solve captcha

When you submit any image-based captcha use can provide additional options to help 2Captcha workers to solve it properly

Captcha options
OptionDefault valueDescription
numeric0Defines if captcha contains numeric or other symbols see more info in the API docs
minLength0minimal answer length
maxLength0maximum answer length
phrase0defines if the answer contains multiple words or not
caseSensitive0defines if the answer is case sensitive
calc0defines captcha requires calculation
lang-defines the captcha language, see the list of supported languages
hintImg-an image with hint shown to workers with the captcha
hintText-hint or task text shown to workers with the captcha

Basic example

Example below shows a basic solver call example with error handling.

cap := api2captcha.Normal{
   File: "/path/to/normal.jpg",

code, err := client.Solve(cap.ToRequest())
if err != nil {
  if err == api2captcha.ErrTimeout {
  } else if err == api2captcha.ErrApi {
    log.Fatal("API error");
  } else if err == api2captcha.ErrNetwork {
    log.Fatal("Network error");
  } else {
fmt.Println("code "+code)

To bypass a normal captcha (distorted text on image) use the following method. This method also can be used to recognize any text on the image.

cap := api2captcha.Normal{
    File: "/path/to/normal.jpg",
    Numeric: 4,
    MinLen: 4,
    MaxLen: 20,
    Phrase: true,
    CaseSensitive: true,
    Lang: "en",
    HintImgFile: "/path/to/hint.jpg",
    HintText: "Type red symbols",

This method can be used to bypass a captcha that requires to answer a question provided in clear text.

cap := api2captcha.Text{
    Text: "If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?",
    Lang: "en",

Use this method to solve reCAPTCHA V2 and obtain a token to bypass the protection.

cap := api2captcha.ReCaptcha{
    SiteKey: "6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-",
    Url: "https://mysite.com/page/with/recaptcha",
    Invisible: true,
    Action: "verify",
 req := cap.ToRequest()
 req.SetProxy("HTTPS", "login:password@IP_address:PORT")
 code, err := client.solve(req)

This method provides reCAPTCHA V3 solver and returns a token.

cap := api2captcha.ReCaptcha{
    SiteKey: "6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-",
    Url: "https://mysite.com/page/with/recaptcha",
    Version: "v3",
    Action: "verify",
    Score: 0.3,
 req := cap.ToRequest()
 req.SetProxy("HTTPS", "login:password@IP_address:PORT")
 code, err := client.solve(req)

FunCaptcha (Arkoselabs) solving method. Returns a token.

cap := api2captcha.FunCaptcha{
    SiteKey: "69A21A01-CC7B-B9C6-0F9A-E7FA06677FFC",
    Url: "https://mysite.com/page/with/funcaptcha",
    Surl: "https://client-api.arkoselabs.com",
    UserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36",
    Data: map[string]string{"anyKey":"anyValue"},   
 req := cap.ToRequest()
 req.SetProxy("HTTPS", "login:password@IP_address:PORT")
 code, err := client.solve(req)

Method to solve GeeTest puzzle captcha. Returns a set of tokens as JSON.

cap := api2captcha.GeeTest{
    GT: "f2ae6cadcf7886856696502e1d55e00c",
    ApiServer: "api-na.geetest.com",
    Challenge: "12345678abc90123d45678ef90123a456b",
    Url: "https://mysite.com/captcha.html",
 req := cap.ToRequest()
 req.SetProxy("HTTPS", "login:password@IP_address:PORT")
 code, err := client.solve(req)

Token-based method to solve KeyCaptcha.

cap := api2captcha.KeyCaptcha{
    UserId: 10,
    SessionId: "493e52c37c10c2bcdf4a00cbc9ccd1e8",
    WebServerSign: "9006dc725760858e4c0715b835472f22",
    WebServerSign2: "9006dc725760858e4c0715b835472f22",
    Url: "https://www.keycaptcha.ru/demo-magnetic/",   
 req := cap.ToRequest()
 req.SetProxy("HTTPS", "login:password@IP_address:PORT")
 code, err := client.solve(req)

Token-based method to bypass Capy puzzle captcha.

cap := api2captcha.Capy{
    SiteKey: "PUZZLE_Abc1dEFghIJKLM2no34P56q7rStu8v",
    Url: "https://www.mysite.com/captcha/",   
 req := cap.ToRequest()
 req.SetProxy("HTTPS", "login:password@IP_address:PORT")
 code, err := client.solve(req)

Grid method is originally called Old reCAPTCHA V2 method. The method can be used to bypass any type of captcha where you can apply a grid on image and need to click specific grid boxes. Returns numbers of boxes.

cap := api2captcha.Grid{
    File: "path/to/captcha.jpg",
    Rows: 3,
    Cols: 3,
    PreviousId: 0,
    CanSkip: false,
    Lang: "en",
    HintImageFile: "path/to/hint.jpg",
    HintText: "Select all images with an Orange",

Canvas method can be used when you need to draw a line around an object on image. Returns a set of points' coordinates to draw a polygon.

cap := api2captcha.Canvas{
    File: "path/to/captcha.jpg",
    PreviousId: 0,
    CanSkip: false,
    Lang: "en",
    HintImageFile: "path/to/hint.jpg",
    HintText: "Draw around apple",

ClickCaptcha method returns coordinates of points on captcha image. Can be used if you need to click on particular points on the image.

cap := api2captcha.Coordinates{
    File: "path/to/captcha.jpg",
    Lang: "en",
    HintImageFile: "path/to/hint.jpg",
    HintText: "Connect the dots",

This method can be used to solve a captcha that asks to rotate an object. Mostly used to bypass FunCaptcha. Returns the rotation angle.

cap := api2captcha.Rotate{
    File: "path/to/captcha.jpg",
    Angle: 40,
    Lang: "en",
    HintImageFile: "path/to/hint.jpg",
    HintText: "Put the images in the correct way",

Other methods

Additional valid methods used during the work of the main scripts

send / getResult

These methods can be used for manual captcha submission and answer polling.

id, err := client.Send(cap.ToRequest())
if err != nil {

time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

code, err := client.GetResult(id)
if err != nil {

if code == nil {
   log.Fatal("Not ready")

fmt.Println("code "+*code)


Use this method to get your account's balance.

balance, err := client.GetBalance()
if err != nil {


Use this method to report good or bad captcha answer.

err := client.Report(id, true) // solved correctly
err := client.Report(id, false) // solved incorrectly

Other languages for integration with the service API