Captcha solving service

  • From $1.00 for 1000 captchas

  • Easy API integration

  • Solving speed less than 12 sec

2Captcha is a service made to automate the captcha bypass.

All captchas are solved by workers, that's why 2Captcha can bypass all humanly readable types of captchas.

Service is fully automated so you configure your software once and then you can forget about captcha solving and return back only to top up your balance.

Start now
Captcha bypass workflow

How to solve captcha automatically

  • Upload a captcha on
  • Server stores your captcha and returns you the ID of your captcha
  • Server immediately distributes your captcha to a worker
  • Worker solves the captcha and sends the answer back to server
  • You are sending request to server using your ID to get the answer
Training customers to work with 2Captcha

Bypass captcha supported


$1.00 — $2.99
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving reCAPTCHA V2 is as follows: we take the captcha parameters from the page in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and the page URL and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, then the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field for the solution captcha

Quick start


$1.45 — $2.99
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process for solving reCAPTCHA V3 is as follows: we take the captcha parameters from the page in the form of the data-sitekey, action and the page URL and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where it is solved by an employee with the appropriate "humanity” rating, after that the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field to solve the captcha. In many ways, the new type of captcha is similar to reCAPTCHA V2, i.e. the basic principle remains the same - the user receives a token from the 2Captcha API, which is sent in a POST request to the site, and the site verifies the token through the 2Captcha API

Quick start


$2.99 — $50.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving FunCaptcha by Arkose Labs is as follows: we take a set of necessary parameters from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of already other parameters, which must be passed to the appropriate fields to solve the captcha

Quick start


Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving GeeTest Captcha is as follows: we take a set of necessary parameters from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of already other parameters, which must be passed to the appropriate fields to solve the captcha

Quick start

reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA Enterprise
$1.00 — $2.99
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving reCAPTCHA Enterprise is as follows: we determine the type of reCAPTCHA, it can be V2 or V3, after which we take the captcha image from the page of its placement in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where it is solved by the employee, after which it is returned to us answer in the form of a token, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

More anti captcha solutions

Normal Captcha

Normal Captcha
$0.50 — $1.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a normal captcha is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page and send it to the 2Captcha service, where an employee solves it typing the indicated text, then the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Text Captcha

Text Captcha
$0.50 — $1.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving text captcha is as follows: we take the text question of the captcha from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where it is solved by the employee, after which the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Click Captcha

Click Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The solution process is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page of its placement and the instructions on which pictures to click on and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of point coordinates, which we need to click for solving the captcha

Quick start

Rotate Captcha

Rotate Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving Rotate Captcha is as follows: we take an image or several images of a captcha from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of the value of the image rotation angle, we need to rotate the image on the angle to solve captcha

Quick start

reCAPTCHA V2 Callback

reCAPTCHA V2 Callback
$1.00 — $2.99
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving reCAPTCHA V2 Callback does not differ from the similar process of solving reCAPTCHA V2: we take the captcha parameters from the page in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and the page URL and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, then the response is returned to us in as a token, which we should be entered into the appropriate field to solve the captcha. Sometimes you won't find a button submitting a form. A callback function can be used instead. This function is executed when the captcha is recognized. Usually the callback function is defined in the data-callback parameter or as the callback parameter of the grecaptcha.render method call

Quick start


Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving KeyCaptcha is as follows: we take a set of necessary parameters from the page of its placement and pass it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of other parameters, which must be passed to the appropriate fields to solve the captcha

Quick start

reCAPTCHA V2 Invisible

reCAPTCHA V2 Invisible
$1.00 — $2.99
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving reCAPTCHA V2 Invisible is similar to the recognition of reCAPTCHA V2: we take the captcha parameters from the page in the form of the data-sitekey parameter and the page URL and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the response is returned to us in the form of a token, which we need enter in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Capy Puzzle CAPTCHA

Capy Puzzle CAPTCHA
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving Capy Puzzle Captcha is as follows: we take a set of necessary parameters from the page of its placement and transfer it to the 2Captcha service, where the employee solves it, after which the answer is returned to us in the form of a set of already other parameters, which must be passed to the appropriate fields to solve the captcha

Quick start

Cloudflare Turnstile

Cloudflare Turnstile
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

Cloudflare Turnstile is solved by taking the captcha parameters from the page in the form of the "data-sitekey" parameter and the page URL, sending them to the 2Captcha service, where an employee solves them. The solution is then returned to us in the form of a token, which we must enter in the relevant field to complete the captcha.

Quick start

Amazon Captcha

Amazon Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The procedure for solving a Amazon AWS captcha is as follows: you need to grab the set of required parameters from the placement page and send it to the service, where an employees solves task. The answer is then returned to us in the form of a set of additional parameters, which must be entered into the correct fields to solve.

Quick start

Audio Captcha

Audio Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of bypassing audio captcha is fully automated: an audio file is sent to the recognition service, which is processed by a neural network trained in voice recognition. The recognition result is returned as text. The resulting text can be used to bypass audio captcha or translate audio into text.

Quick start


Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The procedure for solving a MTCaptcha is as follows: you need to grab the set of required parameters from the placement page and send it to the service, where an employees solves task. The response is then returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field for the solution captcha.

Quick start


Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The procedure for solving a DataDome CAPTCHA is as follows: you need to grab the set of required parameters from the placement page and send it to the service, where an employees solves task. The response is then returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field for the solution captcha.

Quick start

CyberSiARA Captcha

CyberSiARA Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The procedure for solving a CyberSiARA captcha is as follows: you need to grab the set of required parameters from the placement page and send it to the service, where an employees solves task. The response is then returned to us in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field for the solution captcha.

Quick start


Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a Cutcaptcha is as follows: you send the required parameters from the page where it is placed to the service, and an employee solves the captcha. The answer is then sent back to you in the form of additional parameters that need to be entered into the relevant fields.

Quick start

Friendly Captcha

Friendly Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a Friendly CAPTCHA is as follows: you send the required parameters from the page where it is placed to the service, and an employee solves the captcha. The answer is then sent back to you in the form of additional parameters that need to be entered into the relevant fields.

Quick start

Russian Captcha

Russian Captcha
$0.50 — $1.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a russian captcha is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page and send it to the 2Captcha service, where an employee solves it typing the indicated text, then the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Chinese Captcha

Chinese Captcha
$0.50 — $1.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a chinese captcha is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page and send it to the 2Captcha service, where an employee solves it typing the indicated text, then the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Number Captcha

Number Captcha
$0.50 — $1.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a number captcha is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page and send it to the 2Captcha service, where an employee solves it typing the indicated text, then the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Math Captcha

Math Captcha
$0.50 — $1.00
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving a math captcha is as follows: we take the captcha image from the page and send it to the 2Captcha service, where an employee solves it typing the indicated text, then the answer is returned to us, which must be entered in the appropriate field to solve the captcha

Quick start

Slider Captcha

Slider Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving the slider captcha is as follows: Customer take the captcha image from the page and send it to the service using the corresponding API method and providing a proper instruction. The answer is returned by the service, use it to calculate the offset and drag the slider

Quick start

Tencent Captcha

Tencent Captcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving the Tencent Captcha is as follows: customer collects the necessary parameters from the placement page and forward them to the Tencent solver, where an employee addresses the challenge. The response, comprising a set of additional parameters, is then sent back and must be inputted into the appropriate fields to complete the Tencent captcha bypass.

Quick start


Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving the atbCAPTCHA is as follows: customer collects the necessary parameters from the placement page and forward them to the atbCAPTCHA solver, where an employee addresses the challenge. The response, comprising a set of additional parameters, is then sent back and must be inputted into the appropriate fields to complete the atbCAPTCHA bypass.

Quick start

Prosopo Procaptcha

Prosopo Procaptcha
Price per 1000
0 sec.
Solving speed

Supported API:

  • We support API for «PHP» language
  • We support API for «Python» language
  • We support API for «Go» language
  • We support API for «Ruby» language
  • We support API for «C#» language
  • We support API for «Java» language
  • We support API for «JavaScript» language

The process of solving the Procaptcha is as follows: customer collects the necessary parameters from the placement page and forward them to the Procaptcha solver, where an employee addresses the challenge. The response, comprising a set of additional parameters, is then sent back and must be inputted into the appropriate fields to complete the Procaptcha bypass.

Quick start
Logo of «GitHub»

Captcha bypass solution on GitHub

Full documentation and captcha bypass code examples on GitHub

  • PHP logo

    How to solve captcha with PHP

    PHP package for bypass captcha automation solution. Best successful captcha recognition rate.

    PHP captcha solver
  • Python logo

    How to solve captcha with Python

    Python package for solve captcha automatically on any site. Rely completely on captcha recognize stable solution and forget about browser emulation

    Python captcha solver
  • Ruby logo

    How to solve captcha with Ruby

    Ruby gem for solve captcha automatically on any site. Rely completely on captcha recognize stable solution and forget about browser emulation

    Ruby captcha solver
  • Go logo

    How to solve captcha with Go

    Golang module for captcha decode online. Fast integration API for captcha solving.

    Go captcha solver
  • C# logo

    How to solve captcha with C#

    C# library for recognition captcha. Easy integration with the API captcha solving service to bypass captcha.

    C# captcha solver
  • Java logo

    How to solve captcha with Java

    Java library for fast captcha verification bypass. Best captcha solver service online. Simple API for captcha solve.

    Java captcha solver
  • javascript logo

    How to solve captcha with JavaScript

    JavaScript package for solving and bypassing any captcha. NPM package integrates with any script. The best automatic captcha bypass solution in Node.js.

    JavaScript captcha solver
Bypass captcha using Selenium/Puppeteer with 2Captcha service

More about captcha recognition service

  • Captcha bypass code examples

    Dive into coding with examples that demonstrate how to use and connect captcha recognition service. Сode samples

  • About captcha recognition

    2Captcha is human based captcha solving service. 100% of captchas are solved by human workers from around the world. Therefore 2Captcha can help bypass any captcha verification.

  • Captcha bypass API for developers

    Use API to send any captchas to the captcha solvers. 2Captcha allows developers to easily integrate any captcha recognition features.

  • About customized solution

    Need a customized solution? 2Captcha enables you to create a solution for recognizing any type of captcha.

Order Captchas

  • Service allow to recognition and recognize any humanly readable captcha that can be recognized by a human. Additionally, the service can recognize not only text captcha but any graphical captcha like reCAPTCHA V2, Asirra, FunCaptcha and others. Rates are quite low and starting from $0.001 per captcha. For convenience we show all rates per 1000 captchas but billing is based on individual captcha solved. Different types of captchas have different rates.
  • Normal captchas: $0.50 — $1.00 per 1000. Normal captchas are captchas when you need to type the text shown on image. The rate is related to the service load. If the load is low, the price is lower. If the load is high then the rate increases. Statistics show average rate per hour during last days.
  • reCAPTCHA v2 images: $1.00 — $2.99 per 1000. Big captcha is an image that has sum of height and width more than 400px. Our rate is fixed to $1.00 — $2.99 and not related to the service load. reCAPTCHA v2 images - images from reCAPTCHA where you need to select corresponding squares.


If you spend more than $2,000.00 per day during a month and you're not a referral of other user and don't use any software from our catalog then you can send a support ticket and we can offer a discount for you.

We don't offer discounts, promos or subscriptions. You can top up your balance with any amount starting from $1.00 and use the lowest rate. Doesn't matter how many captchas you send one per month or 100,000 per day. Our rates and conditions are the same for all customers.

Captcha Bypass Extension supported in Chrome and Firefox browsers

Captcha bypass extension

This plugins allows you to automatically solve and bypass captchas found on any webpage.

Add to browser
Captcha bypass extension

Customer's FAQ

How do I start?

Our service provides an API that allows you to solve different types of captchas. API description is available here (

We don't offer a ready to use solution for custom tasks, but we have a catalog of software ( integrated with our service where you can find a software for your needs.

To avail our services, follow few simple steps:

  1. Register ( an account
  2. Top up ( your balance
  3. Go to Settings ( page to get your API key and then copy and paste it in your software

Now you are ready to start using your software with 2Captcha.

What is the cost of the service?

Please follow this link ( for our current rates.

I would like to migrate to 2Captcha from other service but first I want to test it with my software. Could you give me free credits or trial period?

Our billing system configured to count every captcha we solve for the client so we do not provide any kind of free testing or trial period. If you do want to implement our service you should consider depositing at least $1 for the test.

How to add funds?

Follow this link ( to deposit funds to your balance.

Do you have monthly / annual plans?

No, we don't have monthly or annual plans or bulk packages. You pay for each captcha we solve for you.

How to pay with PayPal?

You can pay with PayPro Global as they offer PayPal option. You may also contact our support team for another way of paying using PayPal.

My Bitcoin payment was successful but I can't see it on my balance.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Check the amount of approvals of your transaction. If you see at least 6 you may proceed to the next step. If you don't have 6 confirmations yet, wait for it. It could take some time depending on a fee of your transaction.
  2. Follow this link (
  3. Hit the Refresh button. It will force an update of the payment.
Why my payment didn't show on my balance?

Your payment is still not confirmed by the payment gateway. Some payments are not instant and confirmed during 1 hour, but sometimes payment gateways can hold it up to 3 days due to their fraud protection.

If the payment will not be confirmed payment gateway will automatically return your funds to the payment source. Also please check the email provided during your transaction - payment gateway usually send you an email if something is wrong with your payment.

Why my payment status is still Pending?

If the payment system didn't confirm your payment and more than one week passed then there's no chance that payment will be confirmed. Funds (if were charged) will be returned to your payment source automatically. Usually that happens within 30 days, but probably funds are already returned. We can only recommend you to try other payment method.

Do we get refunds for wrong solved captchas or any sort of specific errors?

We offer API method ( to complain incorrect answers. Answers are checked by our moderators and we return funds to your balance if the answer was incorrect. Most software integrated with our service automatically send complains.

How do I refund the money I deposited if I don't need your service anymore?

To request a refund please contact our support team ( providing the following information:

  1. Wallet ID used for the deposit (Please do not enter credit card info, if deposited using credit card);
  2. Amount Deposited;
  3. Exact Date of Deposit
Is 2Captcha Human Based or automated?

2Captcha is Human based solving service, we have many workers for this task. You can check the online statistics here (

What is the response time?

It depends on many factors. You can find the current average stats here (

Solving takes too long. Why?

On March 2017 Google changed reCAPTCHA algorithm to protect it from automated solution. reCAPTCHA now changes tasks and images many times during solution on many popular websites and that's why solution time is increased. Sometimes it takes more than 2 minutes because a real human needs so much time to pass the reCAPTCHA, even if it's solved manually as normal user.

Anyway we still provide valid tokens and each token is valid for 120 seconds after solution so you can get a token before actually opening the page where you need to solve reCAPTCHA and use it within 120 seconds.

How many workers are online?

You can check this page ( for the current stats.

My reCAPTCHA V2 was solved incorrectly. Why?

Common reason of failure of reCAPTCHA token submission:

  • Token timed out - each token is valid during 120 seconds after passing the challenge, so you have at least 100-110 seconds after getting it from the API to submit it;
  • website uses callback for reCAPTCHA and you don't call it correctly;
  • website uses some kind of additional protection and you have to find a way to override it.

Also starting from July 2018 there are cases when tokens are declined by reCAPTCHA API. You can find more info in our blog (

I noticed an increase in expenses, why does it happen?

Please note that on the usage statistics ( page you may see the detailed stats about the captchas you have sent including the IP-address of the sender and the amount of captchas. If you send reCAPTCHA V2 we also gather information what domain send the captcha and what key has been used.

We do not change the price. The only thing that could affect your expenses is that you send more captchas than before. If you didn't send all of the captchas in stats we suggest you to change the API-key, change the password and also change the password of your mail box linked to this account.

Where do I find the software working on your API?

You may find it in our Software catalog (

How do I set up the Software?

In most cases you just have to put your API key into your software. For more info on software configuration please refer to the documentation of your software or contact the developer.

How do I change my password?

You can change your password in your profile settings (

How do I change my email?

You can change your email in your profile settings ( To change your email address you should have access to your current email. You will receive message with confirmation link on your current email. That was made for your safety.

We can't change your email manually. If you can't access your current email you should contact your email provider to restore access.

I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

To reset your password use Password Recovery ( option on login page. You will receive message with confirmation link on your email. Follow the link to complete password recovery process.

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account using this link (

What is Referral Program?

Referral program allows you to invite your friends to use 2Captcha and get some additonal income: referral comission is 10% of their spendings.

Referral comission is added to your balance automatically at the end of each day when your referrals spend money.

How can I invite referrals?

Find your referral link on the dashboard (, copy the link and send to your friend using email, your favorite messenger or post it somewhere in your blog or on the forum.

People who used your link for registration on 2Captcha will be your referrals.

My friend registered. But I still have 0 referrals?

That can happen in two cases:

  • your friend didn't used your link or copied it incorrectly (lost some characters from the link)
  • your friend was already registered on the website

It's not possible that your friend used the link correctly but not added to referrals - this system was tested and verified many times and works perfectly.

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