- Official page: chrome.google.com
- 2Captcha users this week: 1418
This software is designed to work with any site
Extension for the Google Chrome browser that automatically recognizes captchas such as ReCaptcha V2, V3, GeeTest, Arkose Labs FunCaptcha, Human Captcha and others.

#23008427 Zawoong Lee
I see many negative reviews, but it works just fine for me. The accuracy is 100% so far as well. But as some reviewers mentioned,it takes some time to solve the Captcha. To be honoest, it is slower than when I type manually. It would be more helpful if the speed of solving gets faster.

#20268572 Nassim
solver not bad

#14203033 Comet_Express
Solving other captchas is quite satisfactory... but this doesn't solve Funcaptcha.

#15217617 Heartdead
since everyone else is nuking this with low ratings, i am gonna go the other way.
i installed this and it works flawlessly. it however CAN be abit slow on picking up the captcha. when that's said, its solved 100% of all mine. i've had to show it where on site the captcha is a few times ( on a few websites )
i suspect that the people that says it does not work are in the same boat i was in.
some sites, you 100% gotta rightclick the captcha and tell the plugin that the captcha is there! :D
Giving it 4 stars! would give it 5 if it was abit quicker to pick up the captchas!

#14294261 Kim
Not work

#13847232 D
doesn't work for me

#12735555 jeffe
Doesn't work

#12976240 liuyi
为什么今天12月6日 根本不工作了,图标都不见了

#12980578 Yannis
Doesn't work.

#12788689 peter lustig
only works 20% of the time - the captchas arent even sent for solving - tried all settings but most of the time it still requieres to solve em manually

#3878845 smrt
Why dont have for mozzila firefox?