- Official page: rankerx.com
- 2Captcha users this week: 38
This software is designed to work with any site
Tired of marketing hype around SEO software like Senuke, Magic Submitter, Ultimate Demon? They promised they posted to many high quality sites but in reality they didn't do much. Number of quality sites is small. Success rate is low. RankerX provides much more targets and much higher success rates.
- More than 130 high quality sites like tumblr.com, wordpress.com
- More than 500 platform sites indexed by GOOGLE: http://rankerx.com/sitelist.html
- More than 39 platform are supported like Elgg, Pligg, PHPFox,... You can add HUNDRED of THOUSAND your platform sites to RankerX
- Lastest GOOGLE captcha support
- UNLIMIT creating accounts
- UNLIMIT posting contents
- Fastest link building tool on the planet. - It takes only about 55 minutes to build more than 500 back links (within creating accounts)
- Use RankerX on any device you want: Just install RankerX on your PC or VPS, you can use RankerX on your laptop, iPad, Iphone...
RanerX on BHW: http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/seo-link-building/798556-rankerx-your-ultimate-link-building-tool.html
- More than 130 high quality sites like tumblr.com, wordpress.com
- More than 500 platform sites indexed by GOOGLE: http://rankerx.com/sitelist.html
- More than 39 platform are supported like Elgg, Pligg, PHPFox,... You can add HUNDRED of THOUSAND your platform sites to RankerX
- Lastest GOOGLE captcha support
- UNLIMIT creating accounts
- UNLIMIT posting contents
- Fastest link building tool on the planet. - It takes only about 55 minutes to build more than 500 back links (within creating accounts)
- Use RankerX on any device you want: Just install RankerX on your PC or VPS, you can use RankerX on your laptop, iPad, Iphone...
RanerX on BHW: http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/seo-link-building/798556-rankerx-your-ultimate-link-building-tool.html

#8776506 Vlasta Bošnjak
dont work

#8776506 Vlasta Bošnjak
dont work