Solving reCaptcha V2 Callback
This version of captcha is similar to Google ReCaptcha V2, but it does not have a confirmation button. The solution is similar - the selection of images that match the request
Normal captcha statistics
How to solve reCaptcha V2
1. Open developer's console in your browser and find element with data-sitekey attribute.
2. Send sitekey and pageurl to 2Captcha API.
Wait for the result, which may look like this:
3. In developer's console, find textarea with id="g-recaptcha-response", and put there received code. Then, submit the form.
Recognition price
The recognition cost is very low, from 0.01 cent for one captcha. For convenience, the entire price is indicated for recognizing 1000 captchas, but billing in the system occurs separately for each captcha. Different types of captchas are recognized at different prices.
2.99 $Kada 1000 Normal Captchas