Friendly Captcha

Friendly Captcha

Token-based method to bypass Friendly Captcha.

The token received must be set as the value attribute of the input element with name frc-captcha-solution and/or passed to the callback function defined in data-callback attribute of the captcha div.

Important: To successfully use the received token, the captcha widget must not be loaded on the page. To do this, you need to abort request to /friendlycaptcha/...module.min.js on the page. When the captcha widget is already loaded on the page, there is a high probability that the received token will not work.

Task types

  • FriendlyCaptchaTaskProxyless - we use our own pool of proxies
  • FriendlyCaptchaTask - we use your proxies

FriendlyCaptchaTaskProxyless task type specification

Property Type Required Description
type String Yes Task type:
websiteURL String Yes The full URL of target web page where the captcha is loaded. We do not open the page, not a problem if it is available only for authenticated users
websiteKey String Yes The value of data-sitekey attribute of captcha's div element on page.

FriendlyCaptchaTask task type specification

FriendlyCaptchaTask extends FriendlyCaptchaTaskProxyless adding a set of proxy-related parameters listed below

Property Type Required Description
proxyType String Yes Proxy type:
proxyAddress String Yes Proxy IP address or hostname
proxyPort Integer Yes Proxy port
proxyLogin String No Login for basic authentication on the proxy
proxyPassword String No Password for basic authentication on the proxy

Request examples

Method: createTask
API endpoint:


    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "task": {
        "type": "FriendlyCaptchaTaskProxyless",
        "websiteURL": "",
        "websiteKey": "2FZFEVS1FZCGQ9"


    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "task": {
        "type": "FriendlyCaptchaTask",
        "websiteURL": "",
        "websiteKey": "2FZFEVS1FZCGQ9",
        "proxyType": "http",
        "proxyAddress": "",
        "proxyPort": "8080",
        "proxyLogin": "user23",
        "proxyPassword": "p4$w0rd"

Response example

Method: getTaskResult
API endpoint:

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "ready",
    "solution": {
        "token": "f8b10f4ad796484bae963b1ebe3ce2bb.ZXL8Z...AAAAAA.AgAD"    },
    "cost": "0.00299",
    "ip": "",
    "createTime": 1692863536,
    "endTime": 1692863556,
    "solveCount": 1

Using the token

Use the returned token as a value for input with name = frc-captcha-solution, then submit it's parent form, for example:


Please note, that form name can be customized with data-solution-field-name attribute, then you need to use the name set as the attribute's value.

If there's a callback function defined, you can call it passing the token as argument. For example, if data-callback="doneCallback" you should run it as:
