Top Ten our service achievements of 2018
During the past year 2Captcha service has been significantly improved. A lot of new technologies was implemented. It's time to to sum up the results of the year and successfully start new 2019!
We've chosen ten most noticeable changes in the industry and in our service:
1. 2Captcha API was integrated into more than 300 software products
We have redesigned our software catalog which contains a lot of programs using automated captcha recognition. Our service is now an industry standard (in our humble opinion) and all new solutions requires captcha recognition now support our API. We have collected all software that uses captcha solving services in our catalog. You may now find a program for almost any task (in case such a program exists). At the moment there's more than 300 programs from 230 developers in the catalog. Most popular programs are used by more than 1000 2Captcha customers every day.
Found a captcha on some website you need to bypass? Check our software catalog, enter the website's address in the search bar to find programs made specifically for that website or multipurpose solutions that can solve your task.

2. First service started to solve reCAPTCHA v3
reCAPTCHA v3 is totally new approach to captcha. Actually it is not even a captcha. It is a probabilistic estimate of website's visitor "humanity" based on data collected by Google using their counters implemented on different websites and filtered by visitor's cookies and IP address.
This year we have implemented a method to bypass reCAPTCHA v3 with our service the same way we used for reCAPTCHA v2.
3. Sustained the price $2.99 per 1000 reCAPTCHA v2 solutions.
To be honest that wasn't easy. Google reCAPTCHA team worked hard this year to fight with captcha solving services. (We have collected all reCAPTCHA v2 updates in the forum topic: Google reCAPTCHA v2 changes: Summary of 2018. Sometimes we had to operate with no profit at all or even out of our pocket when we had insufficient number of workers online and we increased workers' rates. We have implemented discount rates that doesn't earn profits but allow us to have more workers online 24/7. We can't guarantee that we will be able to sustain $2.99 rate in future as Google has many ideas of how to increase the cost of captcha solution up to $7-$10 per 1000 but we will do all our best to keep our fixed rate as long as possible.
4. Update of "100% recognition" algorithm
This year we have optimized "100% recognition" algorithm to speed it up. This option looks pretty simple but the logic of processing captcha with 100% recognition is much more complex than normal captcha. To describe the process we have published an article with the flowchart showing what happens with a captcha when 100% option is enabled. Also after the update a new trick became available - captcha recognition speedup.
We don't know will it be possible to make this forum popular but we think it's good idea to have an open forum related to captchas. Please welcome - We often get requests to develop software or algorithm for particular websites. But we don't develop end user software and don't bypass captchas on websites. Our service is made only to solve captchas. We can't take the task of management the process of communication between customers and developers so instead we offer to use this forum for such communication.
Are you developing software that bypass captcha? Make a post at the forum about yourself at this forum and we'll send our customers to you.
6. Neural networks
We follow the trends and this year we opened machine learning department. Sometimes neural network can perform tasks that are too hard even for good workers. But unfortunately the accuracy of neural networks is still lower than required by our 98% standard and that's why our service still solve captchas using human resources. But neural networks help us to control the quality of answers provided by humans and identify bad workers that are trying to cheat entering incorrect answers.
7. Research on captchas
We keep a close eye on innovations in captchas. It may be invisible for a regular user but during this year new trend was noticed in captcha industry: graphical captchas (without any text, just asking user to select objects) now hold key positions. But text captcha is still alive and probably will be able to regain top positions in future. We are going to publish a brief analysis on the topic in the beginning of 2019.
By the way, do you remember reCAPTCHA v2 challenges asking to select street signs? There was a really confusing question: is street sign pole really a part of a street sign?
We've made an investigation and found the answer: NO, the pole is not a street sign part.
8. 2Captcha interface
This year we redesigned the interface of our service. It is now better than old one though we have ideas how to improve it even more so we will keep working on the interface in 2019.
9. Launched Telegram bot
Now you can get your account statistics with our Telegram bot @My2CaptchaBot
10. Recognition of documents, slips and survey forms
2Captcha is not only captcha recognition service. We are able to recognize any images with common pattern like slips, survey forms, etc. And also we provide a microtasks service platform. If you own an online service that needs workers to complete simple tasks then you can connect it to 2Captcha and our workers will perform tasks for your service. We will take care on bots protection, payouts and balance storage. For more info contact our support team.