Special Offer for Bitcoin Faucets

Yesterday we wrote about the need to have more work for reCAPTCHA solvers. So we decided to solve this implementing new discount rates for solving on limited domains. To do so we will need more workers online to be ready to solve higher load of captchas. So we are planning to improve overall workers' online without price rising for regular customers. Discount rates will have lower priority: in case the overall load on server is high we will drop the discount captchas. Please note that we are not going to earn some extra money on that at all, in fact we only improving the workers' online.

Discount rates for Bitcoin Faucets

Two years ago it was popular to earn some little crypto-money on so-called Bitcoin Faucets sites by just solving captchas. Things changed and earning funds with anti-captcha sites became impossible as captcha solving takes more than outcome in crypto. Now we decided to make Faucets great again setting price of $1 for 1000 solved captchas for all Faucet sites.

$1 for 1000 solved reCAPTCHA V2 for Bitcoin Faucets

Discount only works for: freebitco.in, freedoge.co.in, moonbit.co.in, moonliteco.in, bonusbitcoin.co and 89 more sites.

List is constantly updates and is available in google doc link. Please note if we put the domain in the list it will persist there forever. So the situation when yesterday domain has discount and today it's not and you spend lots of money on solving captchas won't happen ever. We will solve this technically: if we ever could not proceed with discount on some domain anymore we will stop accepting it on discount.2captcha.com, a special host for discounts. Hopefully we won't need to do so anyway. Also if there is some Faucet site we did not mention please let us know and we will add it.

So what you need to do to use the discount $1 for 1000 solved Captchas

  1. You should only use special API URL for solving discount captchas: http://discount.2captcha.com/in.php and http://discount.2captcha.com/res.php respectfully.

If you send captcha on regular API URL http://2captcha.com/ it will be solved by regular price without discount.

  1. If you send captcha on http://discount.2captcha.com/in.php with domain in pageurl value which is not in the list of discount domains, solving of this captcha will cost full price without discount. Please note that freebitco.in and www.freebitco.in are different domains. Make sure you send capthas using domain existing in the list.

  2. Remember that discount has lower priority over normal reCAPTCHA. In case the overall load on server is high we will drop the discount reCAPTCHAs. Hopefully that wont be the big issue though.

Link on google doc with domain list.