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Launched atbCAPTCHA solver

atbCAPTCHA solve and bypass service

Launched a atbCAPTCHA bypass service.

Article describes the process of interaction with the capthca solver API.

What is atbCAPTCHA

atbCAPTCHA is a system engineered to differentiate human users from automated bots through a challenge that incorporates multiple presentation styles, such as pop-up windows and embedding.

This system is versatile, suitable for a range of business applications, and compatible across all platforms, including desktops and mobile devices. It features three layers of validation and seven distinct traffic validation types.

How to bypass atbCAPTCHA

It is not easy to bypass atbCAPTCHA, but the bypass process can be automated using API.

The bypass process is as follows:

  • The customer sends a set of required parameters from the landing page to the automatic solution service;
  • The task is performed by a worker of the service, after which the answer is returned in the form of a token, which must be entered into the appropriate field for bypassing.

To use the API, one must register on captcha solver. After activating the profile, the customer receives the API key and can start working with the service.

The process of interaction with API is described below.

API v1: atbCAPTCHA solver

An example of working with atbCAPTCHA API v1.

Token-based method for automated solving of atbCAPTCHA.

Method specification

Parameter Type Required Description
key String Yes API key
method String Yes atb_captcha
app_id String Yes The value of appId parameter in the website source code.
api_server String Yes The value of apiServer parameter in the website source code.
pageurl String Yes The full URL of target web page where the captcha is loaded. We do not open the page, not a problem if it is available only for authenticated users
proxy String No Your proxy: login:password@
You can find more info about proxies
proxytype String No Type of your proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5
json Number No Set to 1 to get the response as JSON. Default: 0

Request example

Method: POST

    "key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "method": "atb_captcha",
    "app_id": "af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c",
    "api_server": "",
    "pageurl": "",
    "json": 1

Request will return the id of your captcha. Use it to get the result.

Request example

Method: POST

    "key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "action": "get",
    "id": 2122988149,
    "json": 1

Result example

    "status": 1,
    "request": "sl191suxzluwxxh6f:"

Using the token

The token is passed to a callback function defined in success property during the captcha initialization. This function is usually used to make a request to the website backend where the token is verified. You can execute the callback function passing the token as an argument or build a request to the backend using passing the token.

const myCallbackFunction = (token) {
    // verify the token
var myCaptcha = as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
    appId: 'af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c',
    success: myCallbackFunction

API v2: atbCAPTCHA solver

An example of working with atbCAPTCHA API v2.

Request examples:

  • Method: createTask
  • API endpoint:


        "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "task": {


        "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "task": {
            "proxyType": "http",
            "proxyAddress": "",
            "proxyPort": "8080",
            "proxyLogin": "user23",
            "proxyPassword": "p4$w0rd"

Response example

        "errorId": 0,
        "status": "ready",
        "solution": {
            "token": "sl191suxzluwxxh6f:"
        "cost": "0.00299",
        "ip": "",
        "createTime": 1692863536,
        "endTime": 1692863556,
        "solveCount": 1

Using the token

The token is passed to a callback function defined in success property during the captcha initialization. This function is usually used to make a request to the website backend where the token is verified. You can execute the callback function passing the token as an argument or build a request to the backend using passing the token.

    const myCallbackFunction = (token) {
        // verify the token
    var myCaptcha = as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
        appId: 'af23e041b22d000a11e22a230fa8991c', 
        success: myCallbackFunction


Additional information:


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